Providence College - List of Student Activities and Organizations
Fraternities & Sororities|Campus-based Organizations|Student Activities
Campus-based Organizations
- Religious Organizations:
Knights of Columbus, Pastoral Service Organization
- Minority Student Organizations:
African-American Society, Board of Multicultural Student Affairs, NAACP,
Students Organized Against Racism
- Foreign Student Organizations:
International Club
- Other Student Organizations:
band, chorus, theatre, dance team, debating, literary, accounting and
business societies, athletic clubs, Friars Club, Young
Democrats, Young Republicans, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, PC Pride, Pre-law
Society, Student Congress, Board of Programmers, Social Work
Alliance, Amnesty International, Environmental & Wildlife Club
- There are a total of 85 registered organizations.
Student Activities
- Government
- Newspaper: Cowl, published once/week
- Magazine
- Yearbook
- Radio