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Graduate and Under Graduate List of Degrees in the USA

AA Associate of Arts
AB Bachelor of Arts
ABT Bachelor of Arts in Teaching
BA Bachelor of Arts
BAcc Bachelor of Accounting
BArch Bachelor of Architecture
BApA Bachelor of Applied Art
BApAS Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences
BAEd Bachelor of Arts in Education
BAElEd Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
BAGEd Bachelor of Arts in General Education
BAGS Bachelor of Arts in General Studies
BAM Bachelor of Arts in Music
BAR Bachelor of Arts in Religion
BApS Bachelor of Applied Sciences
BASecEd Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education
BATh Bachelor of Arts in Theology
BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
BBEd Bachelor of Business Education
BCom Bachelor of Commerce
BCA Bachelor of Creative Arts
BCE Bachelor of Civil Engineering
BChE Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
BCM Bachelor of Church Music
BCS Bachelor of College Studies
BE Bachelor of Engineering
BEd Bachelor of Education
BEE Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
BES Bachelor of Engineering Sciences
BET Bachelor of Engineering Technology
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts
BFAEd Bachelor of Fine Arts Education
BGS Bachelor of General Studies
BHum Bachelor of Humanities
BIA Bachelor of Industrial Administration
BID Bachelor of Industrial Design
BIM Bachelor of Industrial Management
BIS Bachelor of Individual
BLA Bachelor of Liberal Arts
BLArch Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
BLS Bachelor of Liberal Studies
BM Bachelor of Music
BME Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
BMEd Bachelor of Music Education
BMTh Bachelor of Musical Therapy
BPh Bachelor of Philosophy
BPHEd Bachelor of Physical Education
BPS Bachelor of Professional Studies
BREd Bachelor of Religious Education
BS Bachelor of Science
BSA Bachelor of Science in Administration
BSAcc Bachelor of Science in Accounting
BSAg Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
BSAv Bachelor of Science in Aviation
BSAEd Bachelor of Science in Art Education
BSAJ Bachelor of Science in Administration of Justice
BSB Bachelor of Science in Business
BSBA Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
BSBEd Bachelor of Science in Business Education
BSBehavSci Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science
BSChem Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
BSCom Bachelor of Science in Commerce
BSCor Bachelor of Science in Corrections
BSCrim Bachelor of Science in Criminology
BSchE Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
BSCE Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
BSCrimJ Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
BSE Bachelor of Science in Engineering
BSEd Bachelor of Science in Education
BSEcBA Bachelor of Science in Economics & Business Administration
BSEE Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
BSElEd Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
BSEnvH Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health
BSES Bachelor of Science in Engineering Sciences
BSEnvStud Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies
BSF Bachelor of Science in Forestry
BSFS Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service
BSGA Bachelor of Science in Governmental Administration
BSGS Bachelor of Science in General Studies
BSHEc Bachelor of Science in Home Economics
BSHEd Bachelor of Science in Health Education
BSHPhEd Bachelor of Science in Health & Physical Education
BSHS Bachelor of Science in Health Science/Studies
BSIE Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
BSIEd Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education
BSIT Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
BSL Bachelor of Science in Languages
BSL Bachelor of Science in Linguistics
BSLE Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement
BSLPS Bachelor of Science in Liberal Professional Studies
BSM Bachelor of Science in Music
BSME Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
BSMEd Bachelor of Science in Music Education
BSMIS Bachelor of Science in Management Information Science
BSMT Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology
BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BSOA Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
BSOE Bachelor of Science in Occupational Education
BSPharm Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
BSPA Bachelor of Science in Professional Arts
BSPhEd Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
BSPhT Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy
BSR Bachelor of Science in Recreation
BSRT Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology
BSS Bachelor of Special Studies
BSSecEd Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
BSecS Bachelor of Secretarial Science
BST Bachelor of Science in Technology
BSTE Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering
BSTIEd Bachelor of Science in Trade & Industrial Education
BSTM Bachelor of Science in Technology of Management
BSVHEc Bachelor of Science in Vocational Home Economics
BSVTEd Bachelor of Science in Vocational Technical Education
BSocW Bachelor of Social Welfare/Work
BT Bachelor of Technology
BTE Bachelor of Technology in Engineering
BTh Bachelor of Theology
BUS Bachelor of University Studies
BVA Bachelor of Visual Arts
BVEd Bachelor of Vocational Education
Ed.DDoctorate of Education
MAMaster of Arts
MAEdMaster of Arts in Education
MATMaster of Arts in Teaching
MBAMaster of Business Administration
MBSMaster of Business Administration
MEMaster of Engineering
MFAMaster of Fine Arts
MMMaster of Music
MMEdMaster of Music Education
MSMaster of Science
PhdDoctor of Philosophy