Westminster College - List of Student Activities and Organizations Fraternities & Sororities|Campus-based Organizations|Student Activities
Fraternities & Sororities
- Fraternities
- We have 5 fraternities on campus.
- 60% of the men join a fraternity.
- 5 of the fraternities have a chapter house.
- Sororities
- We have 5 sororities on campus.
- 45% of the women join a sorority.
Campus-based Organizations
- Religious Organizations:
Bible study group, Coalition, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Habitat
for Humanity, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
- Minority Student Organizations:
Black Student Union, Cultural Awareness Series
- Other Student Organizations:
concert and vesper choirs, band, orchestra, film series, theatre, dance
theatre, film series, art league, scuba club, outing club, Students in
Action Who Value the Environment, programming committee, academic and
departmental groups
- There are a total of 85 registered organizations.
Student Activities
- Government
- Newspaper: Holcad, published once/week
- Magazine
- Yearbook
- Radio
- TV