Cornell University - List of Doctoral Degrees and Majors
Doctoral degrees awarded:
- Doctor of Music Arts
- Doctor of Science of Law
- Doctor of Philosophy
List of majors leading to the doctoral degree:
- Aerospace Engineering
- Agricultural/Biological Engineering
- Agricultural Economics
- Animal Breeding
- Animal Sciences
- Anthropology
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Astronomy
- Behavioral Biology
- Biochemistry
- Biometry
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- City/Regional Planning
- Civil/Environmental Engineering
- Classics
- Communication
- Comparative Literature
- Consumer Economics
- Developmental Psychology
- Developmental Sociology
- East Asian Literature
- Ecology
- Economics
- Education
- Electrical Engineering
- English Language/Literature
- Entomology
- Environmental Toxicology
- Evolutionary Biology
- Fiber Science
- Floriculture/Ornamental Horticulture
- Food Science/Technology
- Genetics
- Geological Sciences
- Germanic Studies
- Government
- History
- History of Architecture/Urban Development
- History of Art/Archaeology
- Hotel Administration
- Human Development/Family Studies
- Human Service Studies
- Immunology
- Industrial/Labor Relations
- Linguistics
- Management
- Materials Science/Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medieval Studies
- Microbiology
- Molecular/Cell Biology
- Music
- Musicology
- Natural Resources
- Near Eastern Studies
- Neurobiology
- Nuclear Science/Engineering
- Nutrition
- Operations Research
- Pharmacology
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Physiology
- Plant Biology
- Plant Breeding
- Plant Pathology
- Pomology
- Psychology
- Regional Science
- Resource Economics
- Romance Studies
- Science/Technology Studies
- Slavic/East European Languages/Literatures
- Slavic Studies
- Sociology
- Soil/Crop/Atmospheric Sciences
- Statistics
- Theatre Arts
- Theoretical/Applied Mechanics
- Vegetable Crops
- Veterinary Medicine
- Zoology