Sonoma State University - List of Student Activities and Organizations Fraternities & Sororities|Campus-based Organizations|Student Activities
Fraternities & Sororities
- Fraternities
- We have 6 fraternities on campus.
- 3% of the men join a fraternity.
- Sororities
- We have 8 sororities on campus.
- 4% of the women join a sorority.
Campus-based Organizations
- Religious Organizations:
Bahai Club, Christian Student Ministries, Hillel, Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship, Newman Club
- Minority Student Organizations:
Black Student Union, Native American Association, MEChA, Pre-Law for
Women and Minorities
- Foreign Student Organizations:
International Student Association, African-Pacific Islander group,
African Culture Club, Chinese Student Association
- Other Student Organizations:
gospel choir, jazz productions, Stage One, ceramics guild, athletic
clubs, aquatics club, cycling group, American Market Association,
International Business Association, accounting forum, gay/lesbian
alliance, women's clubs, Young Republicans, Young Democrats, Community
Involvement Program
- There are a total of 86 registered organizations.
Student Activities
- Government
- Newspaper: STAR, published once/week
- Magazine
- Radio