Past Performance
- 77% of our freshmen returned for sophomore year.
What Do We Like To Study?
Most Popular Majors
- business administration
- liberal studies
- English
Least Popular Majors- physics
- theatre arts
- health science
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar System:
- Trimester System (three terms comprise academic year)
Summer Sessions:
- 2 summer session(s)
that consist of 4 weeks.
New student orientation:
Orientation for new students is held in September.
Graduate Career Data
Firms that most frequently hire our graduates:
American National Security, Bank of America, Conetel, Kraft Foods, Price
Waterhouse, SAV-ON Drugs, Shell Oil, Tenneco.
Most prominent alumni/ae:
Pauline Larwood and Roy Ashburn, county supervisors; Blas Hernandez,
medical doctor; Esther Torrez and Bette Cutbirth, company CEOs.