University of North Florida - Campus Life
Environment | Campus Description | Housing | Regulations | Student Employment
- The Southeastern region of the country constitute a vast majority of U.S. students.
- The campus area is 1000 acres.
- Campus is located more than one mile from a city or town.
Campus Description and Transportation Services
- Description:
- 1,000-acre campus southeast of Jacksonville (population 635,000), eight
- miles from city proper. Major airport, bus, train serve Jacksonville.
- Public transportation serves campus.
Types of Housing
- Coed Dorms are used by 50% of the on-campus students.
- School-owned/operated Apartments.
- 18% of all students live in school housing of some type.
- 82% of all students live off campus or commute.
- On average, 70% of all students are on campus during the weekend.
Students who are required to live on campus:
Students may live on or off campus.
Campus housing is available for all unmarried students regardless of year.
The school provides assistance in locating off-campus housing if on-campus housing is not available.
Campus Rules, Regulations & Policies
- All students may have cars on campus.
- 95% of all students have cars on campus.
- Alcohol is permitted on campus to students of legal age but certain restrictions apply.
Other Policies
- Class attendance policies set by individual instructors
- Honor Code
- Other:
Model bill of Rights and Responsibilities. Student Code of Conduct.
Student Employment
- 15% of full-time undergraduates work on campus during the year.
- Undergraduates may expect to earn, on average, $2500 per year working part-time on campus.
- This school participates in College Work/Study Program.
- Institutional employment is available.
- Part-time off-campus employment opportunities are excellent.
- Freshmen are not discouraged from working during first term.