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Samford University - Admission Criteria

Criteria Ranking | High School GPA and Class Rank | Standardized Tests

Criteria Ranking

  • Academic ranking criteria for this college is listed below. Academic criteria are ranked in order of importance from 1 (Most important) through 5 (Least important) or N (Not relevant).

      Rank Criterion
      1 Secondary School Record
      3 Class Rank
      4 School's Recommendation
      2 Standardized Test Scores
      5 Essay

  • The following non-academic criteria are indicated as E (Emphasized), I (Important), C Considered, or N (Not relevant).

      Rank Criterion
      E Character and Personality
      E Extracurricular participation
      C Particular talent or ability
      N Geographical distribution
      C Alumni/ae relationship

High School GPA and Class Rank

  • The average high school/secondary school Grade Point Average for freshmen stood at 3.493.
  • Following is a breakdown of the high school class rank of enrolled freshmen.

    Top tenth 28%
    Second tenth 16%
    Third tenth 12%
    Fourth tenth 9%
    Fifth tenth 5%
    Bottom half 8%
    Unknown/Unreported 22%

Standardized Test Score Criteria

  • Scores reported below include some using the old scoring system which have been recentered.
  • 49% of accepted applicants submitted an SAT I score and 78% of accepted applicants submitted an ACT score.
  • The recent adjustment to the SAT I scoring system has affected the school's admission policy: Minimum combined SAT I score has been adjusted from 900 to 1000.
  • Here are the scores of enrolled freshmen who took the SAT I:

      SAT verbal scores over 500 81%, SAT math scores over 500 79%, ACT scores over 18 99%, SAT verbal scores over 600 39%, SAT math scores over 600 34%, ACT scores over 24 61%, SAT verbal scores over 700 11%, SAT math scores over 700 7%, ACT scores over 30 14%

  • Here are the scores of enrolled freshmen who took the ACT:

      Score English Math Composite
      30-36 14% 7% 12%
      24-29 50% 37% 42%
      18-23 32% 50% 45%
      12-17 4% 6% 1%