Hillsdale College - List of Student Activities and Organizations Fraternities & Sororities|Campus-based Organizations|Student Activities
Fraternities & Sororities
- Fraternities
- We have 4 fraternities on campus.
- 40% of the men join a fraternity.
- 4 of the fraternities have a chapter house.
- Sororities
- We have 4 sororities on campus.
- 50% of the women join a sorority.
- 4 of the sororities have a chapter house.
Campus-based Organizations
- Religious Organizations:
Catholic Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Intervarsity
Christian Fellowship
- Foreign Student Organizations:
International Relations Club
- Other Student Organizations:
choir, jazz band, orchestra, pep band, equestrian club, Enterprising
Leaders, Leadership Workshop, Men's and Women's Council, Young
Republicans, Charis, Voice of Freedom, Drill Team
- There are a total of 30 registered organizations.
Student Activities
- Government
- Newspaper: Collegian, published once/week
- Magazine
- Yearbook