Hiram College - List of Student Activities and Organizations Fraternities & Sororities|Campus-based Organizations|Student Activities
Campus-based Organizations
- Religious Organizations:
Disciples of Christ College Group, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Minority Student Organizations:
African-American Students United, Black Professionals, Students Organized
Against Racism, Students Involved with Africa, Diversity Choir
- Foreign Student Organizations:
International Students Organization
- Other Student Organizations:
choir, jazz band, madrigal singers, chamber orchestra, opera workshop,
concert band, Theatre Guild, English Society, Environmental Awareness
Club, Model UN, National Organization of Women, College Republicans,
Network for Progressive Action, outdoors club, volunteer association
- There are a total of 50 registered organizations.
Student Activities
- Government
- Newspaper: Advance, published once/two weeks
- Magazine
- Yearbook
- Radio