Sample Letter Of Recommendation
Prof. John Smith
Dept. of Computer Science.
It gives me immense pleasure in recommending Mr. Joe Doe for the graduate
program in Computer Science at your University. I have known him for four years
in my capacity as Professor, Department of Computer Science. I have also taught
him two theory courses, 'Introduction to Computer Science' and 'System
Programming' and I am teaching him Application Programming.
In this context, I wish to place on record the consistently brilliant
academic performance of Mr. Doe during his four years of study.
As per his performance records, he can be placed in the top 10% of a class of
90 students in my subject and is placed on the overall in the top 20%. He is
intelligent, inquisitive and yearns to gain an in-depth knowledge. With his
determination and hard work I have no doubt that he will succeed in all his
His project titled "ABC DEF GHI JKL" conducted at XXX was ranked
among the best projects carried out in the department. He has shown the
motivation, intelligence, preserving nature and analytical aptitude for graduate
study and research. He is extremely co-operative and possesses the capacity to
contribute positively while working as part of a team.
In my view Mr. Doe compares favorably with the best among my students. I am
sure he will make an outstanding graduate student. I recommend him in the
strongest terms for admission to the Graduate Program at your University
preferably with financial aid.
Prof. John Smith