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in NJ, NJ Art Schools
List of Arts Schools/Colleges/Universities in the state of Nevada USA
International Academy of Design & Technology

The Art Institute of Las Vegas

2350 Corporate Circle Henderson, NV 89074
(800) 833-2678
- Community College of Southern Nevada, Fine
Arts Department
3200 E
Cheyenne Ave North Las
Vegas, NV 89030, US
(702) 651-4526 (702) 651-4765
- Great Basin College, Department of Art
1500 College Parkway
Elko, NV 89801, US
(702) 753-2102
- University of Nevada
Department of Art/224
Reno, NV 89557, US
(775) 784-6682 (775) 784-6655
- University of Nevada, Department of Art
4505 Maryland Parkway Box 455002
Las Vegas, NV
89154-5002, US (702)
895-3237 (702) 895-4346