Directory & Listing of Athletic, Sports Adminstration, Training, Coaching, Exercise Sciences, Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Colleges Universities Sports Schools in New York, Universities in New York, New York Colleges, alabama Sports Schools, New York universities, Sports Schools, Sports Schools NY, New York Sports Schools, Sports School, College Education, Admission Application, Sports School admissions, Sports School applications, bachelors's degree in NY Sports School, Top New York Sports Schools, Best NY Sports Schools
Schools Colleges Universities that offer a degree in Sports in the state of New YorkThe Following is a list of schools offering Sports degree inNewyork (NY) USA
- Alfred University
Alumni Hall Alfred, NY 14802-1205 Phone: (800) 541-9229 Email: admwww@king.alfred.edu Athletic Training/Sports Medicin
- Canisius College
2001 Main St. Buffalo, NY 14208-1098 Phone: (800) 883-7000 Email: koehneke@canisius.edu Athletic Training/Sports Medicine
- Cazenovia College
Office of Admissions Cazenovia, NY 13035-1084 Phone: (800) 654-3210 Sport/Fitness Administration
- Dominican College of Blauvelt
470 Western Highway Orangeburg, NY 10962-1210 Phone: (914) 359-7800 Email: colleen.oconnor@dc.edu Athletic Training/Sports Medicine
- Hofstra University
100 Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549 Phone: (800) 463-7872 Email: hofstra@hofstra.edu Athletic Training/Sports Medicine
- Houghton College
PO Box 128 Houghton, NY 14744 Phone: (800) 777-2556 Email: admission@houghton.edu Recreation and Leisure Studies
- Ithaca College
100 Job Hall Ithaca, NY 14850-7020 Phone: (800) 429-4274 Email: admission@ithaca.edu Athletic Training/Sports Medicine
- Lehman College of the City University of New York
250 Bedford Park Boulevard West Bronx, NY 10468-1589 Phone: (718) 960-8705 Recreation and Leisure Studies
- Long Island University - Brooklyn
One University Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11201-8423 Phone: (800) 548-7526 Email: adm_Sunday@eagle.liu.edu Athletic Training/Sports Medicine
- Long Island University - Southhampton College
239 Montauk Highway Southhampton, NY 11968-9822 Phone: (800) 548-7526 Email: sc_info@sand.liunet.edu Recreation and Leisure Studies
- Manhattan College
4513 Manhattan College Parkway Riverdale, NY 10471 Phone: (800) 622-9235 Email: admit@manhattan.edu Athletic Training/Sports Medicine
- Medaille College
18 Agassiz Circle Buffalo, NY 14214-2695 Phone: (800) 292-1582 Sport/Fitness Administration
- New York University
22 Washington Square North New York, NY 10012-1019 Phone: (212) 998-4500 Email: nyuadmit@uccvm.edu Recreation and Leisure Studies
- Russell Sage College
45 Ferry St. Troy, NY 12180-4115 Phone: (888) 379-7243 Email: rscadmin@sage.edu Athletic Training/Sports Medicine
- St. John's University
8000 Utopia Parkway Jamaica, NY 11439 Phone: (718) 990-6240 Sport/Fitness Administration
- St. Joseph's College-Suffolk Campus
155 West Roe Blvd. Patchoque, NY 11772-2399 Phone: (516) 447-3299 Recreation and Leisure Studies
- St. Thomas Aquinas College
125 Route 340 Sparkill, NY 10976 Phone: (800) 999-7822 Email: joestacenroll@rockland.net Recreation and Leisure Studies
- State University of New York College at Brockport
350 New Campus Drive Brockport, NY 14420-2997 Phone: (800) 382-8447 Email: admit@po.brockport.edu Recreation and Leisure Studies
- State University of New York College at Cortland
PO Box 2000 Cortland, NY 13045 Phone: (607) 753-4711 Email: admssn_info@snycorua.cortland.edu Recreation and Leisure Studies
The College of Westchester
