At some time or another, many students have doubts that they are college material. A lot of the students you see on this site said they had these doubts.
But once they started putting in the effort to go to college, they realized that they could do it. Believing in yourself is the most important step to success. Millions just like you were able to say "I'm going." You can, too.
A common myth is that only people with excellent high school grades and SAT� or ACT� scores can go to college. It's just not true.
Bottom line: good grades and good test scores can definitely help, but low grades and low test scores aren't necessarily deal-breakers. Not at all.
"Pursuing education is more than just learning new things. It also gives you the chance to meet new, diverse, and interesting people. You'll develop personal relationships and professional relationships that may last for a lifetime."
Your "I'm going" guide Jamal,
Bowie State University
Don't be afraid to go your own way. It's your future. Follow that dream, regardless of what anyone else might think. Your success might even motivate others to follow your example.